2019 Liverpool Mark Social
What better way to start a New Year than with a Social Evening. For the last two years the Liverpool Mark Association has put on a social at the Masonic Hall in Hope Street, Liverpool. 
Each year there is a risk that the event might clash with a Burns Nights as it did this year; but still the fun loving and intrepid Mark Masons turn up on the 26 January to enjoy their social evening. On entering the main dining room each guest received a glass of ‘Bubbly’ and then while looking at the seating plan, Mrs Jan Walls sold them raffle tickets.
Among the guests this year was Giles Berkley APGM and Tony Harrison PGM, (in Craft for those who are not sure). After a short introduction, by Mike Winterbottom, (the PGM’s Special Rep for the Liverpool area) the evening got underway.
Before the guests got their entertainment they had to work their way through an excellent four course dinner with wine included.
After a short interval, the DC for the night Steve Walls announced this year’s entertainer Jason Stewart.   Jason had come highly recommended and rightly so. A good mixture of songs, jokes and quiz questions, soon had the room rocking. To end his first set Jason did respectful tribute to the fallen, which was appreciated by all. 
During the interval as at all Masons ‘do’s’ there was the obligatory raffle and also during the interval there was a quiz to do, courtesy of Jason Stewart. With the all the raffle prizes won; it was time for Jason Stewart to return for his second set.  This set included one of the highlights of the night, Messer’s Giles Berkley and Tony Harrison, were joined by Peter Connolly, PPGM; (The Three Degrees?) for a rendition of the ‘Laughing Policeman’.
 Now I am not sure who found it funnier the guests watching or the three of them taking part?    It was a real sight to behold and I am sure something that will not be forgotten by all those there that night.    At times even the dancing was funny, but enough said about that.  To try and capture the fun and quality of the night is very hard to do in a short report.
It was an excellent a night of good food; good entertainment and above all good company.   Thanks must go to Mike Winterbottom and his team who organized the night.  Jason Stewart for two very professional and entertaining sets and he is an artist well worth seeing.   And above all those Ladies, Gentlemen and Brethren who turned out to support the night.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell